Copyright 1993 BAOA, lac.
Each Team is given 2000 points divided as follows: two 300 points, seven 100 points.
The TEAM with the highest roll of the dice is first to begin and selects higher moving token, processing around the game board the number of squares that the dice indicate. All other players take their turns thereafter in clockwise order.
History — Politics—Arts/ENTERTAINMENT —Science/Exploration—Sports—General Trivia
When a team lands on a square with any of these designations, they have two choices:
Answer the Question card with appropriate points and allow other teams to wager on your result. The team must place the amount of the points requested in that square on his/her "Challenge Desk" in the portion marked "Correct"
Answer a New Blueprint Discussion point for an automatic 500 points and no team wagers.
Then, clockwise, each other team chooses to:
Agree that the landing team will correctly answer the question by placing the same or less amount of points on his/her own Challenge Desk in the portion marked "Correct. Teams agree with the landing player that they will answer the question correctly. win or lose the number of points placed depending on the landing teams ability to answer the question correctly.
Disagree that the landing TEAM will correctly answer the question by placing the same or less amount of points on their own Challenge Desk in the portion marked "incorrect. Teams disagreeing with the landing team’s ability to answer the question correctly win only if the landing team incorrectly answers the question. They lose if the landing team correctly answers the question about the amount of points he/she placed.
When the landing team answers correctly, the person acting as the Bank pays all teams, including the landing player the amount of points placed in the correct portion of the Challenge Desk. The Bank collects from all those who placed points on their "Incorrect” portion of the challenge desk.
Unlimited Squares
Only the landing team can wager. Wager is unlimited. The category is randomized based on the landed square. Place wage on the ‘Correct” portion of the Challenge Desk. The Banker will collect if the question is answered incorrectly.
Notable Black American Squares
Only the landing team can wager. Wagers are 250-500-750-1000-2000 and range in difficulty based on the wager. Landing team must answer correctly. Only landing team can wager
Corner Spaces
New Blueprint question and 1000-point bonus
New Blueprint Questions!
(If Rolled 2/3)
How has this person (Google or Team Review) established cultural traditions in Blackness? Should we continue? Why or why not?
(If Rolled 4/5)
With history on your side, how would you debate the impact of this person’s legacy?
(If Rolled_6/7 or General Trivia Replacement)
Which of the following traditions in Blackness must go? Explain.
No Bonnets in Public
Black Excellence
The Race
The Down Low
Hyper Hygiene
Juneteenth as a Holiday
Gender Norms and Roles
Dismissal of Relationship Politics Dialogue
TD Jakes partnership with Wells Fargo
Disapproval of Rachel Dolezal
Black Billionaires
Your Choice
Your Choice
Your Choice
(If Rolled 11)
Name a Commercial Application of your category that is advancing Blackness
(If Rolled 12)
Name a cultural application of your category that is advancing Blackness.
(If Rolled 9/10)
Open ended questions
Define Black
Can you lose your Blackness?
What’s your favorite Black thought?
Would you date a bus driver?
Respond to “Im not Black. Im biracial.”
How many white friends do you have?
What is race?
Kniggas still joining the military?
Southeast lost a new grocery store. They say it’s an issue of crime. What’s your solution?
What happens after Afro-Futurism?